Journée portes ouvertes
La fête de l’huile nouvelle n’ayant plus lieu à Aix en Provence, le syndicat de l’AOP Aix en Provence met en place une journée portes ouvertes dans tous les domaines en AOP huile d’olive d’Aix en Provence. Nous vous accueillerons donc le 14 décembre de 10h à 12h et de 14h à 18h. A cette […]
Récolte 2024 !
La récolte des olives 2024 c’est terminée. Cela aura été une bonne récolte pour le Mas Sénéguier. Cependant, les rendements étaient très mauvais. Nous n’avons pas dépassé les 14 % de rendement. Les rendements dépendent généralement des conditions climatiques et des variétés. Au plus une olives subit des températures basses (hors gel), plus les rendements […]
Our award-winning olive oils !
We are pleased to add to our list 2 new medals ! And yes, during the Concours Général Agricole Paris which was held this 25 FEBRUARY 2024 we had the pleasure of being rewarded. It's always nice to see that our work bears fruit and what's more, that it is of quality. ! […]
The benefits of almond
Do you know why it is recommended to eat a handful of almonds every day? ? This is thanks to its benefits for our health. The almond is an asset to keep us in shape ! It is full of nutritional qualities such as : In summary, to benefit from all its benefits you would need to eat approximately 28 g of almonds […]
Report on Laurent Badré
For the occasion, video reports on several olive oil producers in the region produced by Huiles et olives, Laurent Badré your olive oil producer lent himself to the camera. He tells you about his job, of his emotional bond with olive oil. Here's something to find out a little more about your producer. Good viewing.
flowering almond trees
The blossoming of the almond trees heralds spring. The almond tree is one of the first fruit trees to flower. The flower is white or white-pink depending on the variety.. It creates a beautiful landscape ! However, flowering only lasts a few days.. Pollination is carried out by bees. This is why we put beehives in the […]
The tradition of 13 desserts in Provence
In Provence, during the Christmas meal a tradition perpetuated for years. Since, the 20th century the mention 13 desserts exist. It is linked to the mythical painting by Leonardo da Vinci, " The Lord's Supper ". The number 13, corresponds to the number of characters illustrated in this table. The composition of 13 desserts vary from […]
New Oil Festival 2022 PDO Aix en Provence
The traditional AOP Aix en Provence new oil festival will take place on the weekend of 10 et 11 December in Aix en Provence on the Allées Provençales. Admission is free from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.. You can come and discover our new olive oil and meet us.
New Oil Festival 2020 PDO Aix-en-Provence
Open Day at the Domaine on 12 december 2020 The traditional AOP Aix-en-Provence new oil festival is organized differently this year. Usually it is the producers who come to you, in Aix-en-Provence in december, but this year we don't have the right, also we invite you to come directly to us. (Measures and protocols […]
How to read the label on a bottle of olive oil ?
Read the label carefully: if she mentions “EU origin” it is not a French olive oil The labeling of olive oil is very strict, and regulated. There are several mandatory items that must be included: The origin must be clearly defined : the origin of an olive oil is determined by the place where the olives are harvested and […]