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Our Awards

Our oils have been awarded and recognized for their quality.

Our oils are regularly rewarded in competitions in France and abroad. It is the recognition by experts of the quality of our products which is a source of great pride for us and a guarantee of quality for you., consumers.

The regional olive oil competition takes place in Marseille, to the Regional Council. That of the general agricultural competition takes place during the agricultural fair, in Paris. The national competition for olive oils with Protected Designation of Origin is organized in Nyons and the Goutte d’Or competition is organized within the framework of SIAL in Canada.

Since 2009, we are pleased to receive awards in France and abroad for our oils. We got 33 medals since our debut. These medals are, for us, the recognition of the quality of our products and are the reflection of all the work accomplished during the year.

20241 Gold medal
1 Silver medal
1 Gold medal
General Agricultural Competition Paris and
National Competition for Oils in Appellations
20231 Gold medal
1 Silver medal
National Competition for Oils in Appellations and Southern Region Competition
20221 Silver medalGeneral Agricultural Competition Paris
20213 Gold medalsNational Competition for Oils in Appellations and Southern Region Competition
20201 Gold medalNational Competition for Oils in Appellations
20191 Gold medal
2 Silver Medals
Paris General Agricultural Competition and South Region Competition
20181 Gold medal
1 Silver medal
Paris General Agricultural Competition and South Region Competition
20162 Silver MedalsNational Competition for Oils in Appellations and Southern Region Competition
20152 Gold medalsParis General Agricultural Competition and South Region Competition
20143 Gold medals
1 Silver medal
1 Bronze medal
Paris General Agricultural Competition and South Region Competition
20132 Gold medals
1 Silver medal
Paris General Agricultural Competition and South Region Competition
20121 Silver medal
1 Bronze medal
Paris General Agricultural Competition and South Region Competition
20103 Gold medals
1 Bronze medal
General Agricultural Competition Paris, SIAL Canada Competition and South Region Competition
20092 Gold medalsGeneral Agricultural Competition Paris, SIAL Canada competition