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More Seneguier

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Nature and know-how

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This could be the motto of Laurent Badré who, in his corner of Provence, harvests the fruits of its olive trees every year. This is the priesthood of this passionate about the land and its succession : three charming blond heads who are the exuberant ellipsis of the “BADRÉ FATHER AND DAUGHTERS” on the label of the bottles and which take up in the fields the patient gesture of the picker.

They are followers of a true aroma and an immoderate love for the authentic which combines peasant common sense and aesthetic taste. Their supreme reward is in sharing a piece of toast, dipped in the bottom of a bowl on the family living room table. Agreements like friendships are sealed with a handshake, at the discovery of the new touch, subtlety of the last pressed oil.

Its only guarantee: the harmony born from the Provençal soil lulled by the song of cicadas and the next moment shaken by the bumps of a regenerating Mistral.
© Text by Hervé Caratini.

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The domain

Based in Lancon-Provence, our domain, wide of 17 hectares, account 4000 olive trees which produce award-winning olive oils each year in France and abroad.
We grow seven different varieties of olive trees, including Aglandau and Salonènque, which are the main varieties in our region.

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Our products

We produce our oils with pride and passion that we are happy to share with you.
We offer you, through an order form, to buy the olive oil we produce.

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Who are we ?

More Seneguier, BADRE family, father and daughters.
Producer of prestigious olive oils 100 % provence.
Olive grower – Producer – Harvester, Place called Plaine de Sénéguier. Val de Sibourg –13680 Lancon- Provence

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Recipe ideas !

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We invite you to come to the estate to take a tour and taste our oils.
Come with family or friends. Contact us to book your olive oil appointment.

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